European Go Congress, Toulouse, game 4.

Today the weather was much better, and I strolled happily to the playing hall without risking a heat-stroke. I was paired against a finnish 4dan, and the game did not start well for me. I made lots of questionable decisions, but at least managed to keep the game complex. At the beginning of the middle game, I turned the game around, and had a sound lead, but for the rest of the game the lead slowly dwindled. My opponent was clearly much stronger at endgame than I am, and as we closed in on the end I counted that I would probably lose with half a point. We finished the game and started counting. First I thought he had won, but then realized that it was I who had won with half a point. I am not happy with how I messed up the latter part of the game, but winning with half a point makes it easier to take.