On my way to European Go Congress, Toulouse.

Last year, the European Go Congress was played in Markleeberg, and I scored far better than I had imagined, starting with 7/7 in the main group (but losing the last two). I woke up twice every night longing for the morning so I would get to play again. Since then I have continued to use my coaching system on myself. I felt I had gotten too comfortable with my openings, and that I was in danger of only learning that which came easy to me, so for the last year I have been focusing on stuff that I am uncomfortable with, and I have also worked on my counting skills (the ability to count how many points you and your opponent have on the board, before the game ends). I have improved in that I have a wider understanding of the game, but whether that will mean better play is not sure. To learn is to unlearn, and perhaps my newfound knowledge will produce more doubts than answers. I have not played a tournament in a year, and the games I played for Sweden in the Pandanet European Team Go A-league were not impressive. My expectations are therefore lower, but I still look forward to playing, like nothing else.

The main tournament starts on Sunday, and I will share all my games here on bagofcats.