Tiviakov wins…

This is a game that I intended to post a long time ago, but my new book on the Modern came in between.

I often tell ambitious players to find and study the games of a player who has strengths others than the ones they have themselves. It is honest advice since I have myself done just that for at least fifteen years. In October last year I went to play the annual Guernsey Chess Festival and was especially looking forward to playing since it would give me an opportunity to play against one of the players that I had formerly studied, Sergei Tiviakov. In the end it so happened that I played so badly that I did not even get a chance to play him. Tiviakov, on the other hand, played a convincing game and in round 5 he faced his main adversary, Mark Hebden, with the black colours:

In the end chess is about making many strong moves and Sergei just seems to make quite a lot of them.

The linchpin

I intend to follow Jethro Tull’s advice and continue “living in the past” (completely taken out of context to suit my own purpose) a little while more. So, did I mention it before, that my Danish Club, Brönshöj, won “Xtra-Con skakligaen”, the Danish first division? I might have. Today’s game was played in the sixth round, a key round where we faced one of the strongest teams in the league “Aarhus/Skolerne”. To make it more of a challenge we were missing two of our strongest players and had to bring in the reserves. In the end we won the match with 5-3, with the four last boards scoring 3½. There, that’s the linchpin.

European Team Championship of Go

Sweden vs. Finland, that classical ice hockey match, was lately played on a quite different turf; the go board. I get the feeling that Sweden won the match, but I have not been able to corroborate it. The go media still seems obscure to me. However, yesterday evening I followed this exciting go game between two of the strongest Nordic players Antti Törmänen and Fredrik Blomback (part of the above mentioned match). So, there we are again. I’m trying to make sense of a go game played between two players much stronger than myself. Feel free to either laugh or enjoy:

So, Fredrik Blomback won. I have earlier recommended Antti Törmänen’s excellent homepage “Go of Ten” and now he has posted a very interesting thesis, “Building a Human Master”, dealing with “how expertice is developed” in chess and go. Ought to be interesting stuff.

Posted in go

Regressing further on the last topic.

So, continuing where I left off last: After four hours we were leading 3-2 with hopes of getting 1½ out of the last games. Thorbjörn Bromann had a splendid season on board 6 and as it turned out he got to seal our opponents’ fate:

This result meant that we only needed a draw on the last board, where Nikolaj Palm was a pawn up in a rook endgame and only had to ask for it. With this draw we became the champions (and Nikolaij our top scorer which is what the next entry will be about).